
- WASD or arrow keys to move around

- Fire Laser - Space Bar

- Boost - (J key)

- L-shift also Boost but drain with one tap

- Homing Laser - (M key)

- Attract Powerups/Pickups - (H Key)

Get passed 5 Waves of Enemies each to see the Portal open. Go through the portal and enter the Boss Fight. Good luck. I also made the Homing Laser a common pick-up so you will get more of them. (Made easier recently) !!Secret!! -- Press B if you lose against the Boss and restart the Boss fight instead of all over. Another secret. If you want to bypass the waves and go straight to the Boss fight then press B. This is just a prototype.

This is an updated version of Galaxy Shooter.0. A very fun project I am starting off with at GameDev

- The laser no longer hits Enemy collider2d so now only one explosion once the enemy is destroyed 

- You can no longer be hit by the enemy after it is destroyed. Before-after the enemy was destroyed you could still get hit due to the collider2d not being destroyed. 

- The enemy has 2 lasers both can cause damage and can take off two life points if both lasers hit

- Added more stars (blue) in the background

Latest updates;

- Camera Shake

- Thruster Boost (Press J)

- Heal point collectible

- New bullet type powerup called BoosterShot


Now v.3 and .4 Made some balancing. 

- Bullet limit amount

- Bullet Refill pick up

- Bullet initial amount set to 100 rounds

-  Slowed down enemies more

-  Tweaked how the enemies spawn so they aren't too close 

-  Now hold space bar for auto fire

- Looped Enemies particle effects


Now V.5

- Added a homing laser pick up

- Shield Strength - Now if you pick up 3 shields you have 3 shield points before the shield is gone.  The shield will change colors depending on the strength. 

- Made flank laser cannon shot where the laser cannons hoot out of the sides when the powerup is collected. 

- Thruster has a sound when in use now

- Different menu and game music

- Player ship can go higher 

- Start button was edited/relocated on the main menu

- Some sound effects and other adjustments/tweaks including spawning enemy and powerups. 


- Overall size of playable space in the game increased. 

- Enemy speed slightly increased

- Player speed slightly increased

- Starting with Homing laser power up to add 4 homing lasers to start

- First homing laser pick-up no longer gives a total of 24

- Side cannon shot much faster

UI changed from text to image to represent the ammo counts for laser and homing laser ammo

- Is bigger, but not easier, spawning of enemies seems better at this size plus slightly adjusted. 

See how many points you can get. I will make a wave system soon, but more will come before that. 

- New music

- Powerups can be collected all the way to the bottom of the screen again


In version.10 we got some new features. 

- Some enemies spawn by moving left or right diagonally/down

- Wave system (5 Waves and the game is over no boss or next level yet)

Some enemies will speed up and ram the player from a certain distance. The player is able to avoid the collision. 



Updated spawning a bit more balanced, new particles for enemy and player exhausts, new sprites for the player and enemy 2

- Press H to attract powerups from a distance to the player


V.13 and 14 New looks, starfields that move down at a 45-degree angle, new music, and explosion sound effects.  Beat 50 enemies for 5 waves to beat the game and get to the win screen/end of the game as of now. Laser is also faster. 

- Now when you get hit you have a brief time of invincibility.

- Now with the ability for the player laser to destroy the powerups

- Created a powerup balance/rare system so the powerups don't all just keep spawning in rapidly and constantly. made the ammo pick-up and homing laser the rarest. In this video, you can see the homing laser come in only once unless I hit another with my laser. This will make it more challenging and/or at least get the powerup clutter in control.

-  Created a very similar method to better control the spawning of enemies now. 

- Enemies have a chance to spawn in with a shield

- Enemies can now have a chance to dodge the player's laser

Beat 20 enemies for 5 total waves to beat the current prototype. YAY!



- Enemy detects powerups and can shoot and destroy it

- The enemy can now detect when the player is behind it and shoot a laser

- There is a Boss Fight now

Made withUnity

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